"The Veda says that the Creator created the world with Joy. So Joy is the cause of our world. And so our Joy of this world is the effect of that Joy, ĀNANDA!

The Creator created the world with Joy. And so our Joy is the effect of ĀNANDA. We can have Joy and see Joy in the other person.
Share your Joy and see the Joy in the other person.
If I have so much Joy, it's because there's another person there!
That stimulates you to get to know the other person!
The other person doesn't stimulate Joy, because we already have it!
Can you give Joy to another person if you don't have it? No.
Often, it's because we're sad that we don't want to see Joy in the other person!
Question to ask yourself then: Is it because we're sad or because we don't have Joy that we don't want to see Joy in others?
We never realise that it's because we have Joy that we can share it!
On the other hand, we want others to share our pain!
We love what gives us Joy! We don't like our pain. It's not an attachment to our pain that makes us want to share our pain.
In fact, the person who is in pain doesn't want to share his Joy!
If you don't want to share your Joy, that doesn't mean you don't have Joy.
Because if you feel sad, that means that at some point, you had Joy!
Because you don't want to share the Joy: you lose it!
Because sorrow can be kept without sharing, but Joy needs the other person, a mirror! It's like feeling good!
If we don't see Joy in others, then we don't have Joy in ourselves!"
"Sharing your Joy and seeing the Joy in others", Notes by Brigitte Hool taken from courses given by Sribhashyam on 14 February 2009